readAl Main Page


One of the main problems that the researchers have to face during their studies is the conversion among the various formats required by different programs.
Nowadays there around 20 different Multiple Sequence Alignment (MSAs) formats and subformats.

Here we present readAl, a tool for format alignment conversion among the most representative formats.
readAl has been implemented in C++ programming language.
This program is part of the trimAl package and is used internally by trimAl to convert among different formats.


The simplest way to compile this program is:

1.- Move to the project folder

2.- Configure the project: 
    > cmake .

3.- Compile the project: 
    > make
    > make readal (if you only want readal to be compiled)

4.- Move or copy binaries folder './bin/' to 'usr/local/bin' or 'usr/bin'


This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, the last available version.

Basic Usage

readal -in <inputfiles> -out <pattern> -format [formats] [options].

-h                    Show this information.
-in <inputfiles>      Input files in several formats. Separated by spaces.
-out <pattern>        Output file name (default STDOUT).
                      It will replace the tags [in]        -> Original filename without extension.
                                               [format]    -> Output's format name
                                               [extension] -> Output's extension

-formats             Formats you want the output to be converted to.
                     Available formats are CLUSTAL, FASTA, PIR, PHYLIP32, PHYLIP40, PHYLIP_PAML, NEXUS, MEGAI, MEGAS, HTML. 
                     Being the HTML format not a format itself, but a colored report of the alignment files.

-format              Print information about input file format and if sequences are aligned or not.
-type                Print information about biological sequences datatype (e.g. nucleotides:dna, nucleotides:rna, aminoacids, etc)
-info                Print information about sequences number, average sequence length, max & min sequence length
-reverse             Output the reverse of sequences in input file.

-shortNames          Shortens the names so they fit on certain formats
-keepHeaders         Keeps the headers of the original format if it had any

Legacy Options

Take in mind that this arguments may be discontinued any time.

-onlyseqs            Generate output with only residues from input file

-html                Output residues colored according their physicochemical properties. HTML file.

-nbrf                Output file in NBRF/PIR format
-mega                Output file in MEGA format
-nexus               Output file in NEXUS format
-clustal             Output file in CLUSTAL format

-fasta               Output file in FASTA format
-fasta_m10           Output file in FASTA format. Sequences name up to 10 characters.

-phylip              Output file in PHYLIP/PHYLIP4 format
-phylip_m10          Output file in PHYLIP/PHYLIP4 format. Sequences name up to 10 characters.
-phylip_paml         Output file in PHYLIP format compatible with PAML
-phylip_paml_m10     Output file in PHYLIP format compatible with PAML. Sequences name up to 10 characters.
-phylip3.2           Output file in PHYLIP3.2 format
-phylip3.2_m10       Output file in PHYLIP3.2 format. Sequences name up to 10 characters.

Examples of use

readal -in ./dataset/AA1.fas -out ./dataset/[in].output.[extension] -formats clustal
  -> Will produce ./dataset/AA1.output.clw

readal -in ./dataset/example1.clw -out ./dataset/[in].[format].[extension] -formats fasta phylip32 phylip40
  -> Will produce ./dataset/example1.FASTA.fasta ./dataset/example1.PHYLIP32.phy ./dataset/example1.PHYLIP40.phy

readal -in ./dataset/example1.clw -out ./dataset/[in]/[format].[extension] -formats fasta phylip32 phylip40
  -> Will produce ./dataset/example1/FASTA.fasta ./dataset/example1/PHYLIP32.phy ./dataset/example1/PHYLIP40.phy
     ONLY if ./dataset/example1/ already exists.

readal -in ./dataset/AA1.fas ./dataset/AA2.fas -out ./dataset/[in].output.[extension] -formats clustal pir
  -> Will produce ./dataset/AA1.output.clw ./dataset/AA2.output.clw ./dataset/AA1.output.pir ./dataset/AA2.output.pir

readal -in ./dataset/AA1.fas -format -type -info
  -> Will produce terminal output giving information about AA1.fas alignment file

readal -in ./dataset/AA1.fas ./dataset/AA2.fas -out ./dataset/[in].output.[extension] -formats html
  -> Will produce ./dataset/AA1.output.html ./dataset/AA2.output.html
     Those files are not indeed reformats of the original alignments, but an HTML colored report of the alignment file.