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#include <utils.h>
#include "InternalBenchmarker.h"
#include "reportsystem.h"
#include "defines.h"
#include "values.h"
Go to the source code of this file.
Namespaces | |
utils | |
Utilities class. This class contains shared methods to be used in multiple parts of the code. | |
utils::TerminalColors | |
Functions | |
void | utils::initlVect (int *vector, int tam, int valor) |
Vector initialization. More... | |
void | utils::initlVect (float *vector, int tam, float valor) |
Vector initialization. More... | |
void | utils::copyVect (int *vect1, int *vect2, int tam) |
Integer vector copying. More... | |
void | utils::copyVect (float *vect1, float *vect2, int tam) |
Float vector copying. More... | |
int | utils::roundToInf (double number) |
Round double to inferior integer method. More... | |
int | utils::roundInt (double number) |
Round double to integer method. More... | |
int | utils::roundToSup (double number) |
Round double to greater integer method. More... | |
int | utils::max (int x, int y) |
Maximum of two numbers method. More... | |
float | utils::max (float x, float y) |
Maximum of two numbers method. More... | |
double | utils::max (double x, double y) |
Maximum of two numbers method. More... | |
int | utils::min (int x, int y) |
Minimum of two numbers method. More... | |
float | utils::min (float x, float y) |
Minimum of two numbers method. More... | |
double | utils::min (double x, double y) |
Minimum of two numbers method. More... | |
bool | utils::isNumber (char *num) |
String-is-number checking. More... | |
bool | utils::compare (char *a, char *b) |
String comparing method. More... | |
void | utils::removeSpaces (char *in, char *out) |
Removing spaces method. More... | |
void | utils::quicksort (float *list, int ini, int fin) |
Quicksort sorting method. More... | |
void | utils::swap (float *a, float *b) |
Swapping elements method. More... | |
void | utils::quicksort (int *list, int ini, int fin) |
Quicksort sorting method. More... | |
void | utils::swap (int *a, int *b) |
Swapping elements method. More... | |
void | utils::quicksort (int **vect, int ini, int fin) |
Quicksort sorting method. More... | |
void | utils::swap (int **a, int **b) |
Swaps double pointers. More... | |
bool | utils::checkFile (std::ifstream &file) |
Check if a given file exists and its size is greater than 0. More... | |
char * | utils::readLine (std::ifstream &file) |
Read a new line from current input stream. This function is better than standard one since cares of operative system compatibility. It is useful as well because removes tabs and blank spaces at lines at beginning/ending. . More... | |
char * | utils::readLine (std::istream &file) |
Read a new line from current input stream. This function is better than standard one since cares of operative system compatibility. It is useful as well because removes tabs and blank spaces at lines at beginning/ending. . More... | |
char * | utils::trimLine (std::string nline) |
Remove all content surrounded by ("") or ([]). It warns as well when a mismatch for these flags is found. . More... | |
std::string | utils::getReverse (const std::string &toReverse) |
Reverses a string. More... | |
std::string | utils::removeCharacter (char c, std::string line) |
Removes a determined char from the string. More... | |
int | utils::checkAlignmentType (int seqNumber, int residNumber, std::string *sequences) |
Checks an alignment type. More... | |
int * | utils::readNumbers (const std::string &line) |
Reads a line and converts it to an array of number. More... | |
char | utils::determineColor (char res, const std::string &column) |
Checks the color that has to be used on the output report. More... | |
bool | utils::lookForPattern (const std::string &data, const std::string &pattern, const float threshold) |
Method to check for a pattern in a string. The method will check, character by character of the first string if there is some equality for each character in the pattern. When done, it will calculate the fraction of characters present in the pattern and compare to the threshold argument. More... | |
void | utils::ReplaceStringInPlace (std::string &subject, const std::string &search, const std::string &replace) |
Function that replaces a substring with another substring in a string. It does not make a copy of the original string, but modifies it. More... | |
std::string | utils::ReplaceString (std::string subject, const std::string &search, const std::string &replace) |
Function that replaces a substring with another substring in a string. It makes a copy of the original string. More... | |
int | utils::GetGapStep (int *gapValue, int sequenNumber) |
Function that gives the gap classification of a column of values. More... | |
int | utils::GetGapStep (int *gapValue, float inverseSequenNumber) |
Function that gives the gap classification of a column of values. This function should work faster than it's sister utils::GetGapStep(int * gapValue, int sequenNumber), as it uses a precomputed (by the user) inverseSequenNumber (1F / Alignment::sequenNumber), instead of calculating it over again each time the function is called (which is equal to number of residues). This comes with a precision cost that shouldn't be a problem. More... | |
int | utils::GetSimStep (float *simValue) |
Function that gives the similarity classification of a column of values. More... | |
int | utils::GetConsStep (float *consValue) |
Function that gives the consistency classification of a column of values. More... | |
bool | utils::fileExists (std::string &path) |
Method to check the existance of a file. More... | |
bool | utils::fileExists (std::string &&path) |
Method to check the existance of a file. Works exactly as fileExists(std::string & path), but accepts r-value reference. More... | |
char | utils::toUpper (char c) |